Ondernemer uit de omgeving van Nieuwkoop is met spoed op zoek naar een nieuwe accountant/ administratiekantoor

Offerte opdracht accountant of administratiekantoor
Datum: 7-08-2018
Status: Gesloten

Korte beschrijving:

Bedrijf met omzet van 50k - 100k en 1 tot 5 FTE in de omgeving van Nieuwkoop is op zoek naar een Administratiekantoor / Accountant / Belastingadviseur.

Omschrijving opdracht:

Dear all, My Dutch isn't good enough to talk about these matters, I hope the communication in English is fine for you. I am living in Breda (moving soon to nieuwkoop) for 9 years, running my own business as a ZZPr. I am not satisfied at all with my current accountants, they have been doing a really poor job with wrong calculations and late passing deadlines, getting me into some troubles with tax, having to pay fines etc. I am looking for a new accountant that can fix my accountancy and let me focus on what I am good at: my business. As per 1st of November I'll be moving to live in Nieuwkoop, Id like to find the right accountant and tax advisor in the area. I need to do regular book keeping. Right now my current accountant has my accountancy on Exactly Online. They adviced me to get this software for them to work with it. We have around 40-50 turnover/incoming invoices per quarter. And around 50/60 costs invoices per quarter + some tickets. Right now I don't have employees. I had in the past but since recently I have freelancers invoicing me monthly services. I need BTW, year accounts and general care of tax. I'd like to hear a proposal. Also I'd like to change the ZZPr to BV this year. Maybe I do this before I move or if I dont have the right time I"ll need someone to do it end of this year. That's to be discussed a part. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


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